1. Clicking Your Own Ads: Engaging in or encouraging clicks on your own ads, which includes using deceptive tactics or multiple IPs to generate clicks.

  2. Monetizing Prohibited Content: Using ad networks to monetize content that includes:

    • Adult content, sexually explicit material, or violence.
    • Hate speech, discrimination, or content advocating against groups or individuals.
    • Copyright infringement, unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
    • Promotion of gambling, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
    • Hacking, cracking, and other illegal activities.

  3. Improper Ad Placements:

    • Ads placed in a manner that encourages accidental clicks, near interactive elements or under misleading headings.
    • Utilizing ads on minimal content pages like 404 error pages, subscription confirmations, or other non-content based pages.

  4. Poor User Experience:

    • Overloading pages with excessive ads, reducing content visibility.
    • Neglecting mobile optimization and site speed, leading to poor user interaction.
    • Large empty spaces or overly bright, harsh colors that strain the eyes.
    • Use of multiple different fonts or overly stylized text that hinders readability.

  5. Privacy and Compliance Issues:

    • Absence of a clear and accessible privacy policy.
    • Non-compliance with user-consent policy, especially regarding data collection and cookie usage.
    • Failure to properly label ads, causing confusion between advertisements and editorial content.

  6. Ignoring Ad Network Rules and Updates:

    • Not staying updated with the latest ad network policies and guidelines.
    • Failing to use provided tools and analytics to monitor and optimize ad performance.

  7. Engaging in Manipulative Practices:

    • Utilizing bot traffic, click farms, or other artificial means to inflate ad interactions.
    • Engaging in keyword stuffing or other manipulative SEO tactics.

  8. Content and Design Issues:

    • Publishing low-quality content or pages with dummy text.
    • Insufficient original text, heavy reliance on images or videos without adequate descriptions.
    • Articles published without featured images, pixelated images, or poor graphic quality.
    • Mix of languages on the same page without a clear option to switch languages.

  9. Technical and Structural Oversights:

    • Slow-loading sites which negatively affect user experience and ad performance.
    • Incorrect implementation or unauthorized alteration of ad network code.
    • Unedited theme menus leading to demo content, which indicates a lack of site readiness.

  10. Ad Types and Placement Errors:

  • Use of pop-up, pop-under, redirect, or malware ads that degrade user experience and violate most ad network policies.

  1. Visual Design Flaws:
  • Sites with clashing colors, making it difficult for users to focus on the content or ads.
  • Using a diverse array of fonts or overly complex design elements that distract from content and ads.